Boof questions Samuels's action

Written By Unknown on Sabtu, 22 Desember 2012 | 23.51

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Under fire ... Darren Lehmann has questioned Marlon Samuels's bowling action. Source:News Limited

Melbourne Renegades' Big Bash League-topping form has hit controversy, with Brisbane Heat coach Darren Lehmann questioning the bowling action of star West Indian import Marlon Samuels.

Samuels produced a tight spell as the Renegades won their fourth straight game against the Heat at Etihad Stadium on Saturday night.

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But Lehmann queried how an offspin bowler who jogs in off a couple of steps can legally produce faster balls of about 120km/h.

"I've spoken to the umpires about it," Lehmann said.

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"I just want something done.

"He couldn't bowl in the IPL (Indian Premier League) last year, yet he can bowl in the BBL.

"We've got to seriously look at what we're doing. Are we here to play cricket properly or what?

"If he's deemed legal, I'm totally understanding of that.

"But from my point of view from 20 years' cricket, I've got a problem with 120km/h off no steps."

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Samuels was suspended from bowling in the IPL earlier this year after being reported for a suspect action.

Lehmann doubted the West Indian would be suspended from bowling in the BBL but wanted Samuels' action to at least be reviewed.

"I'm sure they'll go through the process but it doesn't help us now, does it?" he said.

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"And it doesn't help any of the teams that have played the Renegades so far.

"So that's certainly a query I've got and they've got to have a look at it."

Renegades coach Simon Helmot defended Samuels' action when asked if he was confident it was legitimate.

"Absolutely," Helmot said, adding he was disappointed with Lehmann's comments.

"That's up to umpires to decide on legitimacy of actions," he said.

"It's disappointing to have some comment made like that and we'll take it up with Cricket Australia tomorrow."

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